Rick Sharp is Redefining Fitness in Prescott

In the picturesque high desert of Northern Arizona, where outdoor activities abound and the community thrives on a balanced lifestyle, Rick Sharp has found his home as a personal trainer. With a background rooted in the military and a passion for holistic wellness, Rick's approach to fitness transcends the conventional. His dedication to service and commitment to personal growth have shaped his unique training philosophy. This article delves into his journey, his unique training philosophy, and the profound impact he has had on his clients as a leading Prescott fitness trainer.

A New Beginning in Prescott

Rick's decision to move to Prescott was multi-faceted. After seeing and hearing about Prescott for quite some time, it was the direct anecdotal evidence of his friends who had traveled through or were currently living here that sealed the deal, and the move was on. The welcoming community and natural beauty of Prescott, Arizona, have significantly shaped Rick's approach to fitness and wellness, offering an ideal environment for his holistic practices.

"Every one of them fell in love with Prescott," Rick recalls. "After just one visit, I knew this town was where I wanted to put down roots and call home."

After starting his personal training company, “A Work in Progress”, Rick noticed a different vibe in Prescott. Unlike his previous environment, where gym-goers were primarily concerned with aesthetics, Prescott's residents value performance and the ability to fully engage in outdoor activities. This shift in focus has allowed Rick to integrate strength and athleticism into his training programs, ensuring that his clients are prepared for the diverse physical challenges that the region offers. This emphasis on functional fitness resonates deeply with Rick's own values and experiences, fostering a strong connection with his clients.

"Prescott has really shifted my approach to fitness and wellness. Where I used to live, a lot of gym-goers were only concerned with how they looked at the beach. Even when I had clients who were mainly focused on aesthetics, I would still incorporate strength and athleticism into their workouts. People care about different things here."

Military Influence on Fitness Philosophy

Rick's time in the Marine Corps profoundly influenced his understanding of physical fitness and discipline. The demanding training schedules taught him invaluable lessons about the importance of recovery, the effects of stress on the body, and the necessity of creativity in workouts. He often had to improvise and adapt routines while out in the field for extended periods, finding ways to maintain fitness with limited resources. This experience highlighted for him the critical role that rest and recovery play in achieving peak performance, as well as the need to effectively manage stress to prevent injury and burnout.

"During my tenure, there was a significant focus on endurance rather than strength," he explains. This taught him the importance of balancing both aspects of fitness. "You can increase your aerobic capacity through strength training, but doing excessive cardio can take away from your strength gains."

These lessons have become integral to his training programs, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to fitness that includes adequate rest and recovery. His military service instilled a deep sense of discipline and resilience, qualities he strives to pass on to his clients.

The Road to Becoming a Fitness Trainer

After serving in the Marines, Rick found himself frequently helping others achieve their fitness goals. "People constantly asked me to help them get in better shape," he says. His success in leading remedial physical training sessions for fellow Marines solidified his decision to become a fitness trainer. His strong desire to continue serving others through fitness and wellness marked his transition from the military to civilian life.

"The fitness industry chose me, and I felt a deep sense of responsibility to embrace it. When I saw the positive impact I could have on people's lives, I knew I had found my true calling. Helping others achieve their fitness goals became a passion I couldn't ignore, and I've dedicated myself to this journey ever since."

Rick's early success in the field motivated him to refine his methods and expand his knowledge. He realized that simple lifestyle changes could have a significant impact over time. "Results are extremely motivating," he notes. By focusing on incremental improvements, Rick helps his clients achieve lasting results. His journey is a testament to the power of persistence and the transformative impact of dedicated mentorship. Rick's story is an inspiration for anyone who may be considering getting help in their fitness journey from a personal trainer in Prescott.

A Holistic Approach to Fitness

One of the pivotal moments in Rick's career was the realization that fitness extends beyond traditional workout routines. "There's always an emotional component to all of our choices," he explains. Understanding the psychological factors that influence behavior is crucial to helping clients achieve their goals. This understanding allows Rick to connect with his clients on a deeper level, addressing the root causes of their habits and behaviors. He recognized that emotions, past experiences, and mindset play significant roles in how individuals approach fitness. By acknowledging and working through these aspects, Rick helps his clients build a more sustainable and positive relationship with their health and well-being. This holistic perspective has become a cornerstone of his training philosophy, ensuring that clients not only see physical results but also experience mental and emotional growth.

"When motivation inevitably runs out, it's crucial to have a deeper understanding of our personal 'why' to keep pushing forward. When the initial excitement fades, it's that deeper purpose that keeps us committed and resilient in the face of challenges."

Rick's holistic approach involves layering in lifestyle changes at a pace that clients can tolerate and stick with. This method ensures long-term adherence and builds on small successes over time. By tying fitness goals to a compelling personal "why," Rick helps clients find the motivation to make necessary sacrifices and do difficult things. Rick's approach, grounded in empathy and personalized care, cultivates a supportive and encouraging environment for his clients. This nurturing atmosphere allows clients to feel confident and empowered as they navigate their fitness journeys.

The Importance of Sleep

Training and nutrition studies often overlook a critical point that Rick emphasizes: sleep deprivation nullifies their effectiveness. Despite the popular trend to "grind" and dismiss the importance of sleep, Rick stresses that a lack of sleep disrupts hormone levels, severely compromises recovery, affects hunger and sugar craving regulation, and increases the risk of injury. Quality sleep is essential for the body to repair and regenerate, and without it, even the best training regimen can fall short. Ignoring the need for rest can lead to burnout, decreased performance, and long-term health issues.

"The modern rat race has made it fashionable to "hustle" or "grind" and repeat these absurd quotes about how sleep is for losers who will never get ahead." In actuality, this mindset is entirely misguided. Lack of sleep doesn't make you more productive or successful; it just leads to burnout and poor health. Prioritizing rest is crucial for anyone serious about achieving their fitness and wellness goals."

Rick understands that ultimately, people will make their own choices regardless of what they know. Case in point: many still smoke cigarettes, despite the well-known health risks. However, he emphasizes that sacrificing sleep in favor of activities like staring at a phone or binge-watching Netflix undermines the hard work put into fitness and nutrition efforts. By educating his clients on the vital role of sleep, Rick helps them make better choices that support their overall goals. He emphasizes the connection between rest and performance, motivating individuals to prioritize sleep, leading to more effective and sustainable fitness outcomes.

Personalized Nutrition Plans

When it comes to nutrition, Rick understands the need for individualized approaches. "There are so many emotional attachments to people's eating habits," he acknowledges. While the principles of effective diets—adequate protein and calorie control—are straightforward, Rick tailors meal plans to fit each client's preferences and lifestyle. This personalized approach ensures that his clients can maintain their nutritional habits sustainably without feeling deprived or overwhelmed. By considering each person's unique relationship with food, Rick is able to design plans that are both effective and enjoyable, increasing the likelihood of long-term adherence and success.

"Just don't eat anything you're allergic to or have difficulty digesting," Rick advises. "We don't need to demonize any particular type of food. While I advocate for selecting the highest-quality foods available, it's possible to exaggerate their importance at times. It's more important to focus on gradual improvements. Over time, you can work on upgrading the quality of your diet without feeling pressured or overwhelmed. The key is to make choices that are sustainable and that you feel good about, rather than adhering to rigid rules that can lead to frustration and burnout."

For weight loss, Rick recommends a slight calorie deficit with periodic breaks at maintenance levels. He advises a balanced intake of protein, fats, and carbohydrates based on individual needs. For weight gain, he stresses the importance of a slight calorie surplus to avoid excessive fat gain. Rick's goal is to create nutrition plans that clients can follow comfortably and sustainably. His emphasis on balance and moderation helps clients achieve their goals without compromising their well-being. He believes that making small, manageable changes can help clients see significant results over time and maintain those results without taking drastic or unsustainable measures. This approach fosters a healthy relationship with food and encourages a positive, lifelong commitment to nutrition.

Integrating Mental and Emotional Health

Understanding that psychological factors deeply intertwine with physical well-being, Rick integrates mental and emotional health practices into his fitness programs. "You learn a lot about yourself by pushing yourself physically," he explains. By fostering a mindset of resilience and self-discipline, Rick helps clients build mental toughness alongside physical strength. This holistic approach ensures that his clients are not only fit but also mentally and emotionally robust. 

Rick believes that unless someone has suffered an injury or done something completely reckless, no one has ever regretted getting their workout in. "The way you feel after pushing your body is always worth it, no matter how you felt beforehand," he says. He notes that the reason most of his clients stay committed is due to the accountability of showing up for their appointed time. Many of them are not "workout people" and would let their inner negative voice talk them out of going to the gym, even though they know how great they'll feel afterward. Rick encourages his clients to soak up that feeling at the end of a workout and store it in their mental bank account to draw upon later, when they don't feel like exercising.

"Motivation doesn't last, but habits and disciplines do," Rick emphasizes. "It's easy to be motivated at the start, but that initial drive fades over time. What's important is building consistent habits and disciplines that carry you through when motivation wanes. Those daily routines and commitments are what ultimately lead to lasting results. By focusing on creating sustainable habits, you set yourself up for long-term success, even on the days when you don't feel like working out."

Rick believes that physical challenges teach valuable life lessons. "We live in a soft world that caters to our convenience, but that's no excuse to become soft and weak. You can lose all these comforts in an instant, leaving behind only your mental and physical resilience." He draws inspiration from our ancestors, who had to endure harsh conditions and defend their way of life. "Our ancestors had to kill dangerous animals with pointy sticks in order to defend their way of life from others who wanted to kill them and take everything they had," I said. "I don't want someone else to raise my kids."

Rick often cites Socrates, who advised young men seeking wisdom to go wrestle, understanding that physical challenges instill deep lessons. Rick notes, "At that point, the lessons become ingrained and not just fancy words that sound smart to repeat." He challenges his clients with a question: "Are you inspiring others around you to live a better life through your actions? If not, then why?"

Client Success Stories

The success stories of Rick's clients best illustrate his impact. One notable example is his friend Armando, who underwent a remarkable transformation under Rick's guidance. Armando started his journey with Rick feeling discouraged and out of shape, but with Rick's personalized training and unwavering support, he began to see significant changes. Through a combination of tailored workouts, nutritional advice, and consistent encouragement, Armando not only lost weight but also gained muscle, confidence, and a renewed zest for life.

Rick says, "Armando went from being the mild mannered “push-over” type to a respected man whose word truly meant something. He stopped lying to himself and started seeing himself as someone worthy of love and respect. Over 15 years later, he has built a great career and a loving family. He's become a wonderful husband and father, roles that the man he was before would not have been able to maintain. His transformation is a testament to the power of commitment and self-belief."

Emily, a busy mother who struggled to find time for herself amidst her demanding schedule, is another success story. Rick worked with her to create a flexible fitness plan that fit into her lifestyle, emphasizing small, manageable changes that led to substantial results over time. Emily now feels stronger, more energetic, and better equipped to handle the challenges of daily life. These stories, along with many others, highlight Rick's ability to connect with his clients on a personal level, understand their unique needs, and guide them towards achieving their fitness goals. His holistic approach, which encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being, ensures that his clients not only reach their desired outcomes but also develop a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

Solo Parenting as an Entrepreneur 

Rick acknowledges that being both a parent and an entrepreneur is incredibly challenging. He makes a concerted effort to maximize productivity early in the day, allowing him to spend quality time with his children in the afternoons whenever possible. Rick believes it is crucial for his kids to see him working hard to build something from the ground up, as he wants them to develop a strong work ethic and understand that they can control the direction of their lives.

"Being a parent and an entrepreneur is very challenging, I can't lie," Rick says. "I try to maximize the early part of the day to get as much work done as possible, so I can free up my afternoons to be with the kids whenever possible." It's a constant juggling act, but it's important to me to be present for my family. By tackling my most demanding tasks early, I can ensure that I’m available for school pickups, homework help, and spending quality time with them. Balancing these roles is tough, but the rewards of being both a dedicated parent and a committed entrepreneur are worth every effort."

Rick emphasizes that while there's nothing wrong with being an employee for a company whose mission you believe in and support wholeheartedly, he doesn't want his kids to feel stuck in a dead-end job they hate just to pay the bills. He wants them to know that they have choices and the ability to shape their own futures. Building his business from scratch in a new town has been a significant challenge, but Rick believes in the value of his services and his business practices. He expresses his gratitude to Prescott Days for helping spread the word about how he can serve the community, recognizing the importance of community support in his entrepreneurial journey.

Dedicated to Serving the Community

Rick is committed to serving his community and consistently adapts to meet the needs of the people in Prescott. He loves this community and wants to help as many individuals as possible achieve their fitness goals. To make his services more accessible, Rick offers small group training sessions, which help keep costs down while still providing the personalized attention found in one-on-one sessions. These groups, designed to be highly effective and limited to a maximum of three people, last 45 minutes. This approach not only ensures quality training but also allows Rick to accommodate more schedules, demonstrating his commitment to making fitness achievable for everyone in Prescott.

Rick Sharp's dedication to his community and passion for fitness shine through in everything he does. By continuously adapting his services to meet the needs of Prescott's residents, he ensures that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their health and wellness goals. Whether through personalized one-on-one sessions or efficient small-group training, Rick's holistic approach to fitness helps his clients build both physical and mental strength. His commitment to serving and inspiring others is a testament to his belief in the power of resilience, discipline, and community support. As Rick continues to expand his programs, his unwavering dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of those around him remains at the heart of his mission.


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